SQL Queries

SQL Queries

2022, Apr 04    

Sql Language Theory

SQL Notes.

  • Origins IBM’s research labs.
  • Early 1970’s.
  • SQL (Structure Query Language).

Database (DB)

  • Database.- A collection of integrated records (any collection of related information).
  • Record.- A representation of a conceptual object.
  • Database consists of data and metadata.
  • DB’s can be stored in different ways.

Database Management Systems (DBMS)

  • SQL is just a language, and there for special software needs to be used in order to perform queries.
  • A query is a question you ask the database.
  • DBMS.- Is a special software or program that helps users create and maintain a database.
  • It makes it easy to manage large amounts of information.
  • Handles security, backups, import/export of data.

DBMS Diagram


Reference for the image. 1

Types of Databases

  • Relational Databases (SQL) - Organize data intone or more tables. - Each table has columns and rows. - A unique key identifies each row.
  • Non-Relational Databases (No SQL, not just SQL) -Organize data is anything but traditional table. - key: value stores. - Documents (JSON, XML, BLOB, etc.) - Flexible tables. - graphs, key-value hash, keys mapped into values.


Relational Databases Management Systems (RDMMS)

  • Helps users create and maintain a relational database.
  • MySQL, Oracle, Postgre SQL, Maria DB, etc.
  • Uses the structured query language.
  • Used to perform CRUD (create, read, update, delete).
  • Used to define tables and structures.
  • SQL code is not always portable between applications without modification.

Non-Relational Databases Management Systems (NRDMMS)

  • Helps users create and maintain a non-relational database.
  • MongoDB, DynamoDB, apache Cassandra, firebase, etc.
  • Implementation is specific.
  • Any non-relational database falls under this category, so there is no set standard language.
  • Most NRDMMS will implement their own language in order to perform CRUD, on the database.

Database Queries

  • Queries are requests made to the database management system for specific information.
  • As the database’s structure becomes more and more complex, it becomes more difficult to retrieve specific pieces of information.
  • Queries are instructions given to the RDBMS in SQL.


  • Relational databases always have a primary key, which can be the column id. Other keys are surrogate, natural, and foreign keys.
  • Natural keys are used with the same purpose like in the real world.
  • Foreign keys are links to other databases or tables and mark a relationship between databases and tables.


  • SQL is a language used for interacting with relational databases management systems.
  • You can use SQL to get the RDBMS to do things fir you. Like CRUD.
  • Create, manage, design, administrate tasks, implements. etc.
  • SQL implementations vary between systems.
  • Concepts are the same, but implementation may vary.

SQL Types

  • SQL can be referred as a hybrid language with 4 basic types of language
    1. Data Query Language (DQL) used to query the database for data.
    2. Data Definition Language (DDL) used for defining database schemas.
    3. Data Control Language (DCL) used for controlling access to the data in the database.
    4. Data Manipulation Language (DML) used for inserting, updating, and deleting data from the database.

SQL data types

  • Int integer number.
  • Decimal (M,N) float point number.
  • Varchar string.
  • BLOB binary language object.
  • Date yyyy-mm-day
  • Timestamp yyyy-mm-day and h:m:sec

Table creation

/*table creation, data types int(integer),
varchar (string with 20 chars)
CREATE TABLE student ( 
    student_id INT,
    name  VARCHAR(20), 
    major VARCHAR(20),
    primary key(student_id) /*primary key; can also go in the student_id int*/

Insert data into database by inserting the values in order of appeareance. You can not insert duplicate keys, beacuse a record all rady exists.

INSERT INTO student VALUES(1,'Jack','Biology');
INSERT INTO student VALUES(2,'Kate','Sociology');

We can specify the picies of information eg. only student_id & name.

INSERT INTO student(student_id,name) VALUES(3,'Claire');

Now we drop the table.

DROP TABLE student;

The full code is:

/*table creation, data types int(integer),
varchar (string with 20 chars)
create table student ( 
    student_id int,
    name  varchar(20), 
    major varchar(20),
    primary key(student_id) /*primary key; can also go in the student_id int*/

--Insert data into database by inserting the values in order of appeareance.
--You can not insert duplicate keys, beacuse a record all rady exists.
INSERT into student values(1,'Jack','Biology');
INSERT into student values(2,'Kate','Sociology');

/*We can specify the picies of information eg. only student_id & name*/
INSERT into student(student_id,name) values(3,'Claire');

/* adding more*/
INSERT into student values(4,'Jack','Biology');
INSERT into student values(5,'Mike','Copmuter Science');

select * from student;--selection of all elements from student table

-- now we drop the table.
drop table student;

--adding a not null and unique instruction in the table.
--unique is if a repeated name is used it will not be allowed
create table student ( 
    student_id int,
    name  varchar(20) not null,  
    major varchar(20) unique,
    primary key(student_id) /*primary key; can also go in the student_id int*/

select * from student;

INSERT into student values(1,'Jack','Biology');
INSERT into student values(2,'Kate','Sociology');

--cannot insert a null value because it is specified in the table
INSERT into student values(3,null,'Chemistry');

--cannot add a double entry because unique is instructed. hence the error.
INSERT into student values(4,'Jack','Biology');

--not null and unique are refered as constrains.

drop table student;

--another constrain is the defualt value, which is used when no value is entered.
create table student ( 
    student_id int,
    name  varchar(20),  
    major varchar(20) default 'undicided',
    primary key(student_id) /*primary key; can also go in the student_id int*/
--not adding a value will be replaced with the default value.
insert into student(student_id,name) values(1,'Jack');

--seing the table.
select * from student;

--drop the table.
drop table student;

--another is the auto increment for the student id, like i++.
create table student ( 
    student_id int auto_increment,
    name  varchar(20),  
    major varchar(20) default 'undicided',
    primary key(student_id) /*primary key; can also go in the student_id int*/
--adding only the name and major.
insert into student(name,major) values('Jack','Biology');
insert into student(name,major) values('Kate','Sociology');

--seeing the table, with theincremented id´s.
select * from student;
  1. Reference: https://www.bmc.com/blogs/dbms-database-management-systems/