Web Development Theory

Web Development Theory

2022, Mar 03    

Web Development Theory

Post Navigation Pane

  • Front End Portfolio
  • Data Science PortFolio
  • App Deployment With CI/CD
  • The Data Engineer
  • Option Pricing Theory
  • SQL Queries
  • Web Development Theory
  • Content Workflow
  • Welcome to Jekyll!
  • About Page

  • HTML & Css Web Introduction

    • Contents are subject to copyright.


    • Introduction Theory.

    Status HTML5 CSS3

    Table of contents

    1. Basic securities,
    2. Call an Put options.
    3. Brownian Motion Process.
    4. Stochastic Differential Equation.


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    1. Fork this repository.
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    3. Make your changes and commit them: git commit -m '<commit_message>'
    4. Push to the original branch: git push origin <project_name>/<location>
    5. Create the pull request.


    Apache License, Version 2.0

    HTML & CSS

    • HTML.- hypertext markup language.
    • Represent the technology that boosts the web.
    • HTML5 -> Core structure -> components and infrastructure.
    • CSS3 -> Colors, styles.
    • JavaScript JS -> Behavior, for dynamic content.
    • Annotation contents.
    • Definition of document structure.
    • 3 Core languages for the web technologies.

    HTML tag

    • Opening and closing tag, not always. <p> — — </p> “paragraph”.
    • <p id= “my_id”> — — </p>
    • is -> attribute name; “ my_id” -> attribute value.
    • No space between opening and closing brackets.
    • Spaces are allowed before attribute.
    • no content opening and cloning before attribute.

    HTML5 Basic Document Layout.

    • <! doctype html> -> document type.
    • -> tag.

    • Is the html version declaration.
    • Sequential from top to bottom rendering.

    HTML5 Content Model Layout.

    • Elements to be nested and not.
    • 2 categories 1) Block level elements. 2) Inline elements.
    • Render to begin one a new line by default.
    • May involve other inline elements.

    CSS3 Anatomy

    • Associating rules with HTML elements.
    • Selector -> p -> property -> color: blue (value) |-> declaration.
    • Zero or more delcarations.
    p ->{ 1.- -.-.- 
    • Combine rules for stylesheet.
    • Class selector
     .blue {color:blue}  -> class blue
    <p class: blue>  -> affected 
    <p >  </p> -> unaffected
    • id Selector, #name {color:blue}
    <div id: name>--- </div>
    • Syntax selectors with commas.
    • Syntax simple css selectors.
    • Class (define with a . ).
    • id (define with #).
    • Class selector
    p.big -> selector of class "big"
    • Child selector, Descent selector, no limits on selectors.
    .colored p -> every p that is inside (any level) an element with class "colored"
    • Combining Selectors.
    • Element with class selecetor.
    • Child (direct) selector.
    • Descendent selector.

    Web Development Course Theory

    • Web Development fundamentals.
    • HTML5.
    • CSS3.
    • BootStrap 5.
    • JavaScritp ES6(EcmaScript 6).
    • DOM (Document Object Model).
    • jQuery Framework.
    • Unix Command Line.
    • Git, GitHub, and version control.
    • Node.JS, MVC(Model-View-Controller) Framework.
    • Back-development.
    • Express.js.
    • Application Program Interface (APIs).
    • EJS (Embedded JavaScript).
    • Database Fundamentals.
    • SQL Databases.
    • NoSQL DB, with MongoDB and Mongoose.
    • CRUD(create, read, update, delete).
    • Deployment (GitHub, Heroku, Mongo Atlas).

    Recursos de Front-end (Referencias)

    Los links y recurso son de carácter educativo e instrutivo.

    En este repositorio de GitHub se encuentran recursos gratuitos y referencias bibliográficas, de la tecnologías de Front-end.

    • Conocimientos de Programación.
    • Frameworks (React, Vue, Angular, … ).
    • HTML, CSS, JavaScript … .
    • Repo Github

    En este repositorio se encuentran las pautas del estándar, convenciones y buena práctica de código para las tecnologías Front-end.

    En este repositorio se encuentran recursos para principiantes en tecnologías Front-end.

    En este repositorio se encuentran recursos para preparación de entrevista en tecnologías Front-end.