Option Pricing Theory

Option Pricing Theory

2022, May 05    

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  • Option Pricing Theory


    • Theory notebook.
    • In the next link you will find the whole Mathematica notebook of the work presented. Gitlab Repo.

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    Table of contents

    1. Basic securities,
    2. Call an Put options.
    3. Brownian Motion Process.
    4. Stochastic Differential Equation.


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    Apache License, Version 2.0

    Option Pricing Notes


    • Issued by firms to finance operations.
    • Represent ownership of the firm.
    • Price known today, but not in the future.
    • May or may not pay dividends.


    • Price known today.
    • Future pay offs known at fixed dates.
    • Otherwise, the price movement is random.
    • Final payoff at maturity: face vale/nominal value/principal.
    • Intermediate payoffs: coupons.
    • Exposed to default/credit risk.

    Derivatives (Basic Securities):

    • Sell for a price/value/premium today.
    • Future value derived from the value of underlying securities.
    • Tared at exchanges - standardized contract, no credit risk.
    • or, over-the-counter(OTC)- a network of dealers and institutions, can be non-standard, some credit risk.

    Forward Contract:

    • An agreement to buy (long) or sell (short) a given underlying asset S:
    • At predetermined future date T (maturity).
    • At a predetermined price F (forward price).
    • F is chosen so that the contract has zero value today.

    Call and Put options

    Vanilla options:

    • Call option: a right to buy the underlying.
    • Put option: a right to sell the underlying.
    • European option: the right can be exercised only at maturity.
    • American option: can be exercised at any time before maturity.

    Exotic options:

    • Asian options: the payoff depends of the average underlying asset price.
    • Lookback options: the payoff depends on the maximum r minimum of the underlying asset price.
    • Barrier option: the payoff depends on whether the underlying crossed a barrier or not
    • Basket options: the payoff depends on the value of several underlying assets.

    Brownian motion process


    • Brown, 1800’s.
    • Bachelier, 1900.
    • Einstein, 1905, 1906.
    • Wiener, Levy 1920.b4s, 30.b4s.
    • Ito, 1940.b4s.
    • Samuelson, 1960.b4s.
    • Merton, Black, Scholes, 1970.b4s.

    Short introduction to the Merton-Black-Scholes model:

    • Risk-free asset : \(B(t)=e^{rt}\)
    • Stock has a log normal distribution: \(log S(t)=log S(0)+ (\mu-\frac{1}{2} \sigma^2) t+\sigma \sqrt{t}\ z(t)\)
    • Where z (t) is a standard normal random variable. Thus, \(S(t) = S(0) e^{(\mu-\frac{1}{2} \sigma^2)t+\sigma \sqrt{t}\ z(t)}\)
    • And it can be shown that: \(ES(t) = S(0)*e^{(\mu t)}\) and \( \frac{1}{2} Var [log \frac{S(t)}{S(0)}]=\sigma^{2}\)

    To see the whole Mathematica notebook click on the Gitlab project site.